Christmas Crafting made easy


It’s that time of year again where everyone slowly starts getting in to the Christmas holiday mood as you pull out the decorations from the loft, check if the lights are still working and go on the hunt for the perfect tree.

My 4 year old daughter Addison started school in September and since then has been pretty much not stop crafting. So this year with trying to manage the purse strings as always I thought why not try to make some decorations from scratch and get her involved too.

We were kindly approached by Go Cable Ties to take part in their DIY Christmas challenge where we were supplied with some basic materials to re-create a festive Christmas Light. Perfect I thought costing next to nothing and get the family involved too.

We opted for the star as the wife is a little obsessed with them plus I had my own little star helper following in my footsteps to help out. Below is a few shots taken during production, and a little time-lapse for fun.


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I was sent items FOC from Go Cable Ties, all opinions are my own.

It’s finally upon us!

What’s upon on us I hear you say.? Tomorrow sees the amazing, fantastic news that Dad Channel UK officially launches it’s YouTube channel.


This channel is the culmination of a diverse group of dads/fathers from all walks of life and breadth of the country with one of us in the USA giving an insight through the social media of vlogging into the everyday of our lives from a dads point of view. I was one of the lucky few to be selected to join this elite team which I’m humbled and honoured to be apart of.

There’ll be highs, lows, plenty of emotions and humour in the mix with some serious issues covered too. My hope is that you’ll find something you can either relate to, help you in some way in the future or you’ll see a snippet in one of the many videos and mention to a friend “hey have you seen this channel on YouTube, take a look!”

So please tell everyone you know it would mean a lot to me, and don’t forget to get liking, commenting and sharing as much as possible across all social media platforms as a little goes a long way.

In the meantime come and check out this group of social butterflies at